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Guest Blog Contributions

Thanks for your interest in contributing to the Dynamic Business Women Community Guest Blog!

We love featuring talented personalities and subject matter experts on our blog, podcasts, interviews. If you want to share your area of expertise with our awesome Community of readers, here’s what you need to know:

We Only Publish Topics We Like To Read Ourselves;

The topics we cover on the Dynamic Business Women blog can be varied providing it is of interest to our community. It includes but not limited to;

Business Topics: marketing, social media, optimization, content marketing, lead generation, time management, business systems, finance, blogging, ways to increase traffic, case studies, relationship building with followers and customers, and personal experiences, etc

Lifestyle Topics: business and babies, work/life balance, morning rituals, health, managing finances, mindset, growth hacks, relationships, time management etc…

We Care About Quality, Style, and Personality

Hey, we’re not perfect and we don’t expect you to be either. But please put the time and effort into your submission to make sure it’s relatively error-free, well-organised, and clearly written.

Our Promise To You

We promise that if your guest blog is published on our website we will;

  • Include your name and an author bio.
  • If a paid link is purchased we will link to your site with an agreed anchor text. And call to action.
  • Feature it on all of our social media platforms (multiple times if the article really resonates with our audience).

The Rules:

  • Keep your posts easy on the eyes. Break chunks of text up into smaller paragraphs or use bulleted lists where appropriate.
  • Your post must be 100% original content that’s never been published elsewhere ever.
  • Your guest blog piece MUST HAVE PERSONALITY! We don’t want those boring old yawn-fest blogs you see everywhere else.
  • Keep your posts between 1000-1500 words. We will check on your word count, please keep it to this minimum.
  • Refrain from self-promotion in your post. If published, you’ll get an about the author blurb at the end of the piece, If the paid link option is chosen you will be given a link back to your website with a call to action to your offer.
  • You must include three title options. Spend extra time on this — your title options should be informative, catchy, and enticing.
  • You must include at least one photo that is relevant to the topic and it must be your own.
  • We love pictures but only if they are of you, your lifestyle, your office etc and are relevant to the topic. If you can’t provide a picture that’s ok too, we’ve got you covered.
  • All submissions must include your contact details for our records only – as we may want to invite you back!
  • Please note that we may edit your piece for length, or to match the style and tone of our blog. If we like your piece, but it needs more than minor editing for the above reasons, we may ask you to send us a revision.
  • Submitting posts through the form below does not guarantee your post will be published on Dynamic Business Women.